Ability KC Mural

Last week was super special as my friend Meredith and I saw the mural we have been working on since November come to life at Ability KC, a local organization that serves children with disabilities. Our fellow Hallmarkers volunteered to help us transfer and paint the 28 foot mural over four days (many of which participated through #My5Days!). Take a peek at the final mural design and time-lapse video below, I hope that the patients and staff at Ability KC enjoy this mural for many years to come!

Letters Are Lovely | Ability KC Mural
Letters Are Lovely | Ability KC Mural

Christmas Cards for Hallmark: Part Two

Today I’m excited to share part two of my Christmas card collaborations that are in stores now! I worked with my friend Hallmark Designer Lauren Hale to create lettering for these cards. She designed amazing vellum tip-on ornaments, snowflakes, flowers and more and the layering is stunning. Let me know if you spot one of these cards out in the wild, or online!

Letters Are Lovely | Christmas Cards for Hallmark: Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Christmas Cards for Hallmark: Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Christmas Cards for Hallmark: Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Christmas Cards for Hallmark: Part Two