Happy Heart Day, friends! It was a fun surprise to see my HVD lettering on this personalized card for Hallmark– you know I love anything featuring a cute cat! I hope you are celebrating with those you love this weekend!
© Hallmark Licensing, LLC
Happy Heart Day, friends! It was a fun surprise to see my HVD lettering on this personalized card for Hallmark– you know I love anything featuring a cute cat! I hope you are celebrating with those you love this weekend!
© Hallmark Licensing, LLC
Grant’s second Halloween was so much fun! The whole family dressed up as Harry Potter characters, with Grant and Winnie being the stars as Dobby & a mandrake. Aunt Heidi even crocheted Grant’s ears (which he wasn’t a huge fan of wearing). After Trick-or-Treating around our house we headed to Grammy and Pop’s where Grant's favorite activity was moving candy in and out of his bag.
Spooky season is here! Having a toddler at home I’m excited to start decorating and will of course be sending a few cards. Here is a fun Hallmark one featuring my lettering:
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Family Fourth of July memories from Indian Hills, our neighborhood Popsicle Parade & Turkey Hill!
I celebrated my second Mother’s Day with a beautiful lunch at Indian Hills and dinner with the Smith side of the family. Grant obviously wasn’t in the mood for photos (see below) but will always remember him walking with EB on the golf course and behind an exercise peanut at the Hanlin’s that day!
Mother’s Day is this Sunday (my second!) and I always love seeing my lettering applied to Mother’s Day cards. I’m looking forward to celebrating all the moms in my life this weekend!
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