2013 Moments

While we are already well into January, I decided to take a look back at my travels, creative experiences, and time with friends and family throughout 2013. This past year I had opportunity to experience two different internships with Ampersand Design Studio and Trozzolo Communications Group. With only one semester of college left ahead of me, in 2013 I was able to take studio classes I loved. This allowed me to spend time in the letterpress lab, dive into hand lettering and become a much more experienced book binder. One of my proudest crafting moments was creating my Fraser Hall Halloween costume. Lawrence has truly become my second home over the past few years, and this year I loved continuing to explore my college town and spend time with great friends and inspiring classmates. This was also a great year for traveling: I spent time skiing, went on a cruise and took a senior trip to Las Vegas. I can't wait to see what 2014 will bring!
