2015 Reflection

I can't believe I am already recapping another year on the blog! Last year I reflected upon the many changes that had occurred in my life, and while a few major events took place in 2015 it was also a year about settling in. Dale and I were married in June, and I have many happy memories not only from that day, but also from the events and showers leading up to the big day (and from our honeymoon in Greece). Professionally, I transitioned to a new team at Hallmark, participated in workshops for the Think.Make.Share. blog, went on a research trip to Chicago, and my love for hand lettering continued to grow. Dale is a year and a half into medical school, and I love our little home (apartment) in St. Louis. This blog has been continued to be a wonderful creative outlet for me, and I hope that I will be able to devote even more time to this little corner of the internet in the coming year! Here are just a few of my favorite photos from 2015:

Letters Are Lovely | 2015 Reflection

I hope 2016 will be a year full of growth and exploration!