Stefan Kunz Visits Hallmark

Today Stefan Kunz visited Hallmark to give a talk and share his process with a group of Hallmarkers who love lettering. I was lucky enough to attend both sessions, and really enjoyed seeing how he creates his work — especially his work process with the iPad Pro. After watching him work I am really hoping to be able to test out lettering on an iPad very soon! You can visit Stefan's website and Instagram to see more of his work. Here are a few of my favorite takeaways from the day: 

Letters Are Lovely | Stefan Kunz Visits Hallmark
  • Stefan began his talk with the idea that "Words Matter," and he realized early on that people would read and be impacted by what he choose to say on Instagram. 
  • He choose to focus on positive messages, especially ones from the Bible, because he believes that art is an expression of what you do and you can choose to be intentional about it or not. 
  • Creating is the integral part of the process, but it is also important to take that one final step to push the piece further. This could be adding in a second layer to the piece that someone may not notice at first, or just adding in more detail to make your work more dynamic.
  • He wants to think that there is no surface I can't use for lettering. 
  • Keep going. There are no shortcuts. 
Letters Are Lovely | Stefan Kunz Visits Hallmark
Letters Are Lovely | Stefan Kunz Visits Hallmark
Letters Are Lovely | Stefan Kunz Visits Hallmark

Thanks for sharing your work with us, Stefan!