Draplin in KC

This Wednesday Draplin made another stop in KC to speak at a Made in the Middle Mini Event! I have heard him speak twice before, once in St. Louis and once at Hallmark, but this time he talked a lot about his book and his cross-country speaking tour. Thanks for another great event Aaron, AIGA KC, and Made in the Middle!

Letters Are Lovely | Draplin in KC

Here are my favorite takeaways: 

  • Don't forget that this can be fun. 
  • Vectors are free and infinite.
  • "I'm fighting hard to life my life creatively, enjoy work along the way, provide for my loved ones, and be free."
  • We forget the importance of how to make something using one color effectively.
  • "I'm trying to materialize a life where I get to make a stamp someday." 
Letters Are Lovely | Draplin in KC
Letters Are Lovely | Draplin in KC

Designing with Humility

Today I am thankful that AIGA posted videos form their annual design conference. I decided to watch Margaret Gould Stewart, the director of product design at Facebook, speak on designing with humility. Her thoughts on designing for massive platforms that millions throughout the world interact with each day offered insights I found inspiring. Definitely worth taking a look at: 

Paper + Printing 101

Last Friday I attended an AIGA student event all about paper and printing. This even took place at Spangler Graphics and was led by Marie Langdon of Shaugnessy. The day began with a presentation all about how paper is made. We were able to view examples of different printing techniques and learn all about different types of paper and their characteristics. At the end of the day we were able to tour Spangler's printing facilities and take home tons of paper samples. My personal favorite was a bulldog hat, a promotional pice for French Paper, designed by Charles S. Anderson. Overall this was a valuable experience that I know will benefit me in the future. 
