November Around The Web

Hello, friends! November has come to a close and I’m excited to recap (mostly for my own memories) all the fun that was had. We started the month with a trip to Turkey Hill with Leslie & Nathan which was the perfect weekend away, at work we were able to attend the first post-2020 CLS (Creative Leadership Symposium) with great speakers and time to socialize, Alyson hosted a Chi-O Friendsgiving, and our friend Holly was in town so we had a fun night hanging out before Thanksgiving! This year we celebrated Thanksgiving with family on Friday night so that we could watch Grace perform at the Plaza lights and we celebrated with Dale’s family on Saturday. We wrapped up the month getting Christmas card photos taken which I’m so excited to share!

Grateful for you!

February Around The Web

February has come to a close and this month’s highlight was celebrating my 30th Birthday in Breckenridge, Colorado! This month we also went salsa dancing with our friends Sydney and Salvador, Dale and I celebrated Valentine’s Day with dinner at Novel, I went to my first concert since the pandemic began (Kacey Musgraves in Denver!) and preparations for Holiday Mart 2022 continued. Around the web, I am still obsessed with these doily honeycomb hearts from Lars, I would love to make some for next Valentine’s Day!


December Around The Web

December flew by! This year Dale and I celebrated all month long with advent gifts/activities we planned for each other. It really helped bring some extra joy to this strange holiday season! We also celebrated my mom’s birthday with a luminary walk, Holiday Mart wrapped up with some awesome events including a virtual flower arranging event, and my family did an outdoor cookie exchange. Christmas both felt totally normal and completely different as we moved our celebrations outside, into garages and over zoom. This month around the web I loved getting glimpses of how others decorated this year, especially this dreamy curtain/wreath situation in Kelly’s daughters’s room:

Hope your holidays were merry and bright!

March Around The Web

This month was possibly one of the most anticipated months of my entire life! It almost seems surreal that it has come and gone, so much has happened. Over the past few weeks I hosted a bridal shower for my friend Macy, celebrated with our St. Louis friends the weekend before match day with a "Matchelorette" party, found out Dale will be in KC for his internal medicine residency, closed on our house, traveled to San Antonio for Macy's bachelorette weekend, and to top it all off this weekend we will be moving most of our things to the new house! With all that has been going on it's no surprise that a lot of my discoveries around the web this month are home/decor related, and this hotel in Charleston has officially become my inspiration! It was one of the most stunning home tours I have seen recently, definetely head over to Design Sponge to see everything!

Letters Are Lovely | March Around The Web

Happy Easter, everyone!