Tad Carpenter Creative Mornings KC

Last Friday I had a chance to hear Tad Carpenter of Carpenter Collective speak at Creative Mornings KC! It was my first Creative Mornings talk and especially special because Tad was one of my teachers at KU. Here are a couple notes from his talk:

  • Remember we do this because we want to, not because we have to.

  • We GET to do this. Every day you’ve been given a gift to make stuff.

  • When design is good it’s a team effort.

  • I’m never going to be the most talented, but I’ll never be outworked.

  • Play removes limits.

  • It ain’t about the end result, it’s about the exploration.

  • Being creative means you have to keep taking risks. The greatest rewards in life come out of risks.

  • How can your work better the world around us?

The Top Ten Things I Wish I Knew When I Graduated

With it being Spring of my senior year of college, it seems that almost every day someone asks about my post-graduation plans. I absolutely loved the advice Debbie Millman offers in this Creative Mornings talk. It was the perfect thing to watch in order to help me think about what is truly important as I search for jobs and strive to present myself to future employers to the best of my ability. For anyone whose stage of life aligns with mine, this talk is definitely worth watching.

“I think busy is a four letter word. Busy is a way of organizing your priorities and we use it as a reason to not do something that we really don’t want to do. If you really want to do something, you’ll find the time to do it.”