November Around The Web

Hello, friends! I’ve once again gotten behind on my “around the web” series, but am happy to be back this month with a few favorites. Time has flown by since I returned to work from my maternity leave, but we had a lovely November. The month started with a Froends weekend in Nashville (where we also got to spend time with Grace!), I attended two Friendsgiving celebrations (Dale’s co-workers and my college friends), took our family Christmas card photos at the Nelson, Dale took his first set of board exams, and we had a wonderful first Thanksgiving with Grant! Around the web this month I came across these stunning headpieces by Wolf & Moon. I’m currently dreaming up an occasion where I could invest in one in the future, but for now I’m taking in all their beautiful work on their website.

Extra Grateful this year

April Around the Web

April has come to a close and it went SO fast! This was our first full month with Grant and both Dale and I were off work on leave. I will always remember how special it was to have time at home together with our new baby! Family and friends got to come meet Grant and we spent many sleepless nights up with the baby, had pediatrician visits, and enjoyed all the snuggles. We also made it to Reverie, Grace’s musical she wrote and composed, celebrated Easter with family, and celebrated our nephew Graham’s 6th birthday. Here are a few favorites from around the web:

February Around The Web

What a month! Every year I count down the days until Valentine’s Day and my birthday as a bright spot in the coldest part of the year. And this year my birthday was absolutely freezing! We celebrated with Lidia’s pasta (a birthday tradition) and my mom made me chocolate ganache cake! Dale also surprised me with a Smeg electric kettle to go along with my Christmas toaster and I’m obsessed with my first pair of Lake Pajamas from my parents.


This month I also got to Facetime and see a few close girlfriends, we watched the Superbowl with Sophie and Alex, and I took part in a virtual Escape Room for my cousin Liesel’s birthday. Thankfully the last few days of the month really warmed up and we were able to get outside and have some fiends over to hang out on our deck. We are also busy planning Sophie’s wedding! In my researching I stumbled across this stunning Baby’s Breath arch!! Here are a few more finds around the web this month:

July Around The Web

Summer is definitely in full swing! This month had moments of normal (we spent the day at the lake with Dale’s family for the Fourth of July, dinners outside with friends…) my WFH schedule continues indefinitely. I’ve been lucky that Dale has had a slightly less busy schedule lately and we have been able to spend more time together. The most eventful news of the month was getting tile added behind our tub and at the base of our fireplace and getting our bathtub resurfaced, marking the end of our mini bathroom renovation! Last up will be finding a decorative mirror (this one perhaps?) and then the space will be totally complete.

Letters Are Lovely | July Around The Web

Enjoy the sunshine, friends!

January Around The Web

Hello, friends! This month was filled with much more football than anticipated (Go Chiefs!), dinners with friends (including our second annual trip to Fogo de Chão for KC Restaurant Week), meetings for a new volunteer position I took on, and time with family! At home I spent some more time working on our sunroom and have also started researching/getting estimates for a bathroom remodel. I stumbled across this post from Ashley about redoing her old home’s bathroom and learned a lot!

  • January was also filled with lots of travel planning! I’m headed to Costa Rica in March with my family and loved this recap from John & Sherry.

  • We also booked a trip to Santa Fe in June! More research needs to be done but this got me excited. I also got lots of recommendations from friends from work making the decision to spend our anniversary in NM super easy.

  • Have you tried Rent The Runway Unlimited? Curious to hear thoughts… but love this dress!

  • Really hoping February is filled with more cooking at home. Excited to try this lasagna or kale pesto (notice a theme?)

  • This quote seemed to be floating around Instagram recently and I loved my friend Brittany’s beautiful lettering!

  • Love a good before and after.

Closer to the future, now.

June Around The Web

Happy summer, friends! Between our Europe trip and settling back into real life at home this month has flown by. I'm really excited to get into a routine in our new house once Dale starts working July 1st! And of course there were still some great finds around the web this month, starting with this adorable pineapple cake I am planning on making when my sister Grace (who turned 14 this month!) comes over for a sleepover later this summer. Enjoy!

Enjoy those long summer days!