Currently, I am almost 75% of the way through The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle. It has been awhile since I shared a book here on the blog, but when I found myself once again constantly making notes as I read I knew I had to document a few takeaways.
This book is only new to me, having originally been published in 1997. One of my favorite podcasters, Jess Lively, recently had an episode recapping her experience attending a retreat with Eckhart. After listening I knew that I needed to dive into his books to fully appreciate her experience. Immediately after starting I realized that this book might take some time to fully process, and may be one I could gain even more from reading again sometime in the future. Tolle focuses on the importance of misidentifying with your mind, and constant thinking, in order to experience enlightenment. The key step in this process is fully embracing the present moment, whatever it may bring. He believes that:
“Thinking is only a small aspect of consciousness. Thought cannot exist without consciousness, but consciousness does not need thought... All true artists, whether they know it or not, create from a place of no-mind, from inner stillness.”
From there the book begins to unpack this key concept, and keeps returning to the idea of narrowing your life down to this moment. While I am not quite finished reading, I have already gained so much and found many connections to the guided meditations I have tried through Headspace. I'm excited to see what new insights I will have upon finishing the book, I may even have to extend this post! For now, consider reading The Power of Now if these concepts pique your interest, and if you have any book recommendations for me please don't hesitate to share!