Chalk Lettering for Hallmark

Last week I had the opportunity to create some chalk art on my sidewalk alongside a group of other artists from Hallmark! We wanted to share positive messages and gratitude for our neighbors–especially those working and taking care of others right now. The amazing writers at Hallmark wrote the perfect copy and everyone lettered their piece either at their home or out in the community.

Letters Are Lovely | Chalk Lettering for Hallmark
Letters Are Lovely | Chalk Lettering for Hallmark
Letters Are Lovely | Chalk Lettering for Hallmark
Letters Are Lovely | Chalk Lettering for Hallmark

A few local news stations shared our work, too! Hallmark’s Union Hill Studio shot some video that I can’t wait to see, but most of all I hope my message brought a little joy to those walking down my street over the past week. Kindness is magical!

© Hallmark Licensing, LLC

25th Birthday Gratitude

Last Saturday I celebrated my 25th Birthday and I thought it might be fun to write down 25 things I am grateful for at this moment in time. Who knows, maybe this will become a yearly tradition! 

Letters Are Lovely | 25th Birthday Gratitude
  1. My husband, Dale. 
  2. Recent and future travels and the memories I have made with family. 
  3. Strong friendships. (Especially my college girlfriends!)
  4. Having family close by. 
  5. A creative job where I can explore & create. 
  6. My flexible work schedule. 
  7. Working out at Fusion Fitness. 
  8. Mentors and good friends at work. 
  9. My health. 
  10. Dale and I's first apartment, and the home it has become. 
  11. Otto (our cat), and my childhood kitties Annabelle and Bonnie. 
  12. Making time for reading. 
  13. Listening to podcasts on my commute. 
  14. Learning to love to cook. 
  15. Learning outside of work. (Like signing up for the Calligraphy Summit!)
  16. Memories made watching KU Basketball games with Dale and friends. 
  17. Photography.
  18. Generous parents. 
  19. My choice to use more natural beauty and home products. 
  20. The inspiration I gain from reading blogs. 
  21. My blog, and how it allows me to document my life. 
  22. Our friends in St. Louis.
  23. Meditation. 
  24. My sisters. 
  25. And again, Dale because we go on the most adventures together.