June Around The Web

June kicked off with Dale and I celebrating our 8 year wedding anniversary! My parents offered to babysit so that we could head to The Campground for drinks followed by a delicious dinner at Novel. That Sunday Grant was baptized and we had a great lunch after to celebrate! The rest of the month included more celebrations for our friend’s daughter Ruthie, Alex turned 30, we spent time with the Chicago Smiths, and saw Grace preform at her aerial show and at The Folly! Grace also turned 19 on the 26th and we had cupcakes at our house the night before her Folly performance. Grant is now three months old (how does time go so fast!) and has grown so much! He’s officially in mostly 3-6 month clothes and is giggling and smiling which is the BEST.

  • I was blown away by how beautiful Mackenzie’s instant hedges turned out! I’ve always admired her beautiful back yard but the hedges really brought it to a whole new level!

  • Like the rest of the internet, I am excited for the Barbie movie

  • An interesting history of the tote, we sure use Grant’s a lot!

  • I’m taking lots of early morning walks with my little guy and need a new hat

  • Bittersweet news from one of my favorite sites, Wit & Delight

  • Adding the ingredients for this recipe to our grocery list

  • Obsessed with this mirror (and little bathroom in general)

  • Bookmarking for future summer date nights

  • I love all blooms and these chairs are no exception. So beautiful!

  • The Magic Merlin is saving our sleep as Grant transitions out of his beloved Ollie!

happy summer!

February Around The Web

I can hardly believe February is coming to a close and that we could meet baby boy next month! I began February speaking at KU’s Design Symposium Lecture Series alongside some other talented Hallmarkers, my family got to see Grace perform as Squidward in Spongebob the Musical, I had a great JLKCMO Dinner Club at The Westside Local, Grace was nominated and chosen for Sweetheart Court, I got to see some college friends at Erin’s bridal shower, we hosted a baby shower for my cousin’s wife Kelsea (who is due exactly a week before me), and the Chiefs WON the Super Bowl (again) – all before Valentine’s Day! Dale and I celebrated heart day with our traditional Italian dinner at Lidia’s and then we headed to The Elms for my birthday weekend. It was the perfect mini-babymoon and weekend away! After coming home we had a family birthday dinner at my parents complete with my favorite chocolate ganache cake. The month ended with both of our work baby showers and some final prep on the nursery (as well as a fun Sip & See to meet my friend Heather’s baby, Archer)! Here is what stood out around the web:


December Around The Web

2022 is coming to a close and what a year it has been! This December was filled with time spent celebrating with family and friends, and I’m so grateful to be wrapping up my second trimester of pregnancy. We started the month with a whirlwind weekend at the return of Krikindl Markt at church, celebrating Macy’s baby girl in Wichita, and a few days in Savannah for work. Dale and I attended two holiday parties for his work and I celebrated the holidays with the Junior League of Kansas City Missouri, Fund Development council and hosted an ornament exchange for my Chi O friends. Our family took a trip to Lawrence for my aunt’s annual Vespers concert and Dale and I had a wonderful dinner at Basil Leaf with Grammy Pop. Then we headed into all the traditional Christmas festivities with our families.

may all be merry & Bright!

October Around The Web

Hello, friends! After a long hiatus (my last monthly roundup was in May) I’m excited to be back! So much has happened over the past five months and I can’t wait to share. For now, I will start with October: This month kicked off with Holiday Mart and was quickly followed by a trip to North Carolina and Charleston. After a week working from the beach and celebrating Brittany and Parkin, we had one weekend at home where we had a waffle breakfast with Dale’s family and a donut fry at Mary and Kam’s house! October ended with a fun family dinner to celebrate Sophie and Dale’s birthdays and one more trip to Denver to reunite with our SLU Froends (and Laura and Ashton!). For Halloween, we are having a family dinner and then taking my sister’s dog Kaldi trick or treating at my grandparents house! Around the web we watched the UK (and beyond) mourn the death of Queen Elizabeth II and I found some other spooky inspiration:

So long spooky season!

May Around The Web

The end of this month is particularly exciting because I’m headed to Europe for three weeks (and when this posts I will be in England)! This also means that I’m wrapping up a rotation in Hallmark’s Global Trends Studio and will rejoin my normal team after my trip. Besides all the prep-work to be out for my vacation, this month was filled with meetings for Holiday Mart, the return of Hallmarket (one of my favorite days of the year!), time with friends (dinner with Brandon & Sonya, charity event with Alyson & Kale, dinner with Laura & Leslie), Grammy and Aunt Edna’s birthday lunch, and lots of time photographing all the blooms. Peony season is my absolute favorite!

See you across the pond!

January Around The Web

Hello 2022! My new year started with a quick family road trip to Decatur, Illinois. After that the rest of the month was filled with Holiday Mart 2022 planning meetings, a weekend trip to Denver to visit Laura & Ashton, and the month ended hosting Megan’s baby shower and celebrating my grandpa’s birthday. I also started a rotation at work in Hallmark’s Trends Studio this month! I’m not super into horoscopes but I did enjoy this one for the year ahead from Wit & Delight:

Hello, 2022!