October Around The Web

Hello, friends! After a long hiatus (my last monthly roundup was in May) I’m excited to be back! So much has happened over the past five months and I can’t wait to share. For now, I will start with October: This month kicked off with Holiday Mart and was quickly followed by a trip to North Carolina and Charleston. After a week working from the beach and celebrating Brittany and Parkin, we had one weekend at home where we had a waffle breakfast with Dale’s family and a donut fry at Mary and Kam’s house! October ended with a fun family dinner to celebrate Sophie and Dale’s birthdays and one more trip to Denver to reunite with our SLU Froends (and Laura and Ashton!). For Halloween, we are having a family dinner and then taking my sister’s dog Kaldi trick or treating at my grandparents house! Around the web we watched the UK (and beyond) mourn the death of Queen Elizabeth II and I found some other spooky inspiration:

So long spooky season!

October Around The Web

October is coming to a close — we started the month at another wedding celebrating our friends Jon and Emily, our dining room table finally arrived after being restored, I had a few fun happy hours with work friends (Cafe Trio in KC always decorates for Halloween!), we celebrated my sister Sophie’s birthday with Indian food, we attended a baby shower for Dale’s co-workers, went to a Louisburg football game with Laura & Ashton, spent a weekend at Turkey Hill for Oktoberfest, wrapped up Holiday Mart 2021 with a happy hour, had dinner with Brandon &Sonya and Megan & Matt/Mary & Kam around Dale’s birthday, and then headed to Nashville for Dale’s 30th! Looking back we were able to see so many friends and family which made the month fly by!

August Around The Web

August was a bit more relaxed as Summer starts to wind down. At the beginning of the month I settled back into my work from home routine after coming home from Utah, we spent time with our nephews and celebrated Mike’s birthday, Dale and I worked on planning our Europe trip with Sophie and Alex, we spent as much time as possible at the pool, I went to an outdoor Fusion pop-up class, the Smith family visited the Auschwitz exhibit at Union Station, Holiday Mart planning got busier as the show approached, Dale and I attended a couple’s shower for Laura and Ashton, and we spent a weekend hanging out with our high school friends Syd and Sal!

  • Around the web this month this propagation wall tutorial caught my eye because our fiddle is nearing the ceiling! Not sure if I will be brave enough to propagate, but saving just in case!

  • Another fun DIY I discovered was this checkered bowl!

  • Always on the lookout for pasta recipes!

  • I keep coming back to this belt bag…

  • Someday I would love to stay at the Ludlow in NYC!

  • Matte balloons seem to be trending at the moment.

  • The most exciting news of the month is that I signed up for Nuuly! I can’t wait for my first box to arrive in early September!

Soak up the end of summer!

April Around The Web

After spending the entire month of April WFH and social distancing I’ve started to settle into a routine. Work has been busy and Spring has arrived in my yard and mostly I’m feeling grateful to be healthy, have a job, and have a home to spend this time in. Of course I miss seeing my friends and family in person but I had plenty of time to find some inspiration around the web this month!

April Showers Bring May Flowers