May Around The Web

May is one of my favorite months of the year, and my allergies haven't even been quite as terrible as normal! This month I traveled to Chicago for a work event, tried a Soul Cycle class, attended Hallmark's Creative Leadership Symposium (and a Gemma O'Brien Meet & Greet!), spent Mother's Day in KC (complete with a delicious lunch and the Symphony Designers' Showhouse), watched my youngest sister, Grace, graduate from sixth grade, participated in a piñata making workshop for one of #My5Days, marbled paper with my team at work, and continued working on Mother's Day 2018 cards!

Looking back, this month was filled with some pretty special opportunities and lots of making. One of my favorite parts of these posts is thinking back on what I accomplished during the last month, and of course seeing what inspired me. I have been constantly impressed by Nick Misani's Fauxsaics. They are stunning! If you haven't already seen them be sure to take a look. I noticed on Instagram he might be teaching a class to share his process, which would definitely be something I would need to sign up for. Here are some of my other favorite finds this May:

Until next month, happy reading!

Chicago: Days Three & Four

The last two days in Chicago were a whirlwind. The Bridgeport Art Center was a wonderful location for Renegade, and even included a distant view of the city. (Take a look at Monday's post to see my favorite vendors.) After a long day exploring the fair we headed back downtown in order to make our dinner reservation at RPM Italian. It's as good as it sounds, definitely recommended. For dessert we tried More cupcakes, and along the way I discovered P.O.S.H. which couldn't have had a lovelier selection of holiday goods. I would love to visit again. The last morning included a stop at the bean, and then back to KC! This was such an inspiring trip, hopefully I will find myself in the Windy City again soon. 

Letters Are Lovely | Chicago Days Three & Four

Chicago: Day Two

Day two in Chicago was spent exploring the Wicker Park/Bucktown area. I discovered some wonderful shops AND Jeni's Ice Cream (self-described as splendid, and I would have to agree). If you find yourself in the area, stop in Paper Doll, One Strange Bird, Store B Vintage, Una Mae's, and Greer Chicago. After visiting all these places we headed back downtown and stopped by Sprinkles, Anthropologie, and made our way to Gino's East for dinner. The evening ended with a walk by Macy's to take a look at their beautiful holiday window displays. Be on the lookout for a recap from Renegade tomorrow! 

Letters Are Lovely | Chicago Day Two

Chicago: Day One

Hello from the windy city! I am spending a few days in Chicago and it is so much fun to be in a different city during the holidays. Today's highlights included a trip to Eataly (a must visit for any other pasta lovers) and strolling through Nordstrom/other shops on Michigan Ave. I especially loved Opening Ceremony's Pop-Up Shop. I can't wait to see what else the rest of the trip will bring! 

Letters Are Lovely | Chicago Day 1