March Around The Web

March has come to a close and I am fully ready to usher in warmer Spring weather, but not before recapping an eventful month! This month began with one last snowstorm the weekend we celebrated my friend Laura’s birthday, I traveled to Nashville to celebrate my cousin Liesel’s bachelorette & spent a few extra days there with my family, spent a siblings weekend in KC with Dale’s family, and had a crazy month at work filled with work on Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Christmas & Easter product! My favorite find this month was Victoria’s recap of her favorite interior paintings. The one below is entitled The Pink Room by Karen Kilimnik:

  • I found this roundup of wedding trends super interesting. Even though I’m already married I love staying up on the latest wedding decor for work!

  • Australia has never been at the top of my travel wish list, but Mackenzie’s recap may have added it to my always growing list.

  • Now that I know my neighborhood celebrates St. Patrick’s Day in a big way these might have to be on the list to make for a parade party next year!

  • A few recent Nordstorm purchases for the transition to Spring: this Madewell Shirt and Sam Edelman Loafers. Fingers crossed both fit when they arrive!

  • At the end of April we are headed to California! This guide has been helping us plan our road trip from San Francisco to LA

  • Last weekend Dale and I had a lovely dinner at the recently re-opened Ragazza! If you are in KC I would definitely recommend — especially the spaghetti and meatballs.

  • Still obsessed with Jamie’s photographs and her journey to motherhood is spectacular.

  • Not in the budget, but these earrings are bold and dramatic.

Happy Spring!

May Around The Web

Hello from France! At this point in our trip Dale and I are enjoying exploring the French countryside. I'm writing this post in advance, so I'm pretty excited to see what all we will have experienced by the point you are reading this! May has been an emotional month. In the past few weeks I travelled to New York for work, attended Hallmark CLS for the third time (and got to spend some time at the event with Jessica Hische!), watched my sister Sophie graduate from KU, attended a friend's wedding, and spent one last weekend in St. Louis celebrating Dale graduating from medical school! Some moments were bitter sweet, especially leaving our friends in St. Louis, but I couldn't think of  a better way to wrap up the festivities than in Europe. I still found time to gather a bit of inspiration, including perusing this lovely home in the Hamptons. Here are a few other favorites:

Au Revoir For Now!