December Around The Web

Not only is December coming to a close, so is 2019! This month was filled with a belated Thanksgiving, holiday parties, a fundraiser for Rightfully Sewn, Fusion classes, and all our traditional Christmas celebrations. Unfortunately the month is closing out with a bout of the flu, but I have a feeling this will only accelerate some major New Year’s cleaning and organizing. Here are a few of my favorite finds:

Hello, 2020!

August Around The Web

Summer is already coming to a close! This month we spent lots of time with friends, celebrated my dad’s birthday, finally had dinner at Novel, and I traveled to Salt Lake/Park City for a bachelorette weekend. Here are a few of my favorite finds from around the web:

January Around The Web

Hello, friends! Normally I can’t believe a month has already gone by when I write these posts but this January felt like two months in one. This month we finished up our mini kitchen renovation, rang in the new year with new KC friends, survived a blizzard and freezing temps, celebrated my friend Alyissa’s birthday and hosted a family birthday part for my grandpa. Work wise was where most of the craziness came in, I started lots of exciting new projects and my friend Meredith and I saw our mural at Ability KC come to life (thanks to lots of Hallmark volunteers)! This month wasn’t a big shopping month as we finished the kitchen, but there was definitely lots of kitchen inspiration on the brain and we made some new recipes, too. Enjoy!

Welcome, 2019!