March Around The Web

March is always an eventful month as we head into Spring! This March started with a work happy hour, Dale and I celebrated Laura and Kam’s 30th birthdays the same weekend as Alyson and Kale’s engagement party, my friend Sonya joined me in Mexico for Simi and Sandeep’s wedding and I also had a busy month at work and with Holiday Mart planning. I’m so grateful I got to spend time with so many friends this month and am looking forward to more travel in the next few months!

  • Around the web this month, I discovered Janet Hill Studio and am obsessed with this print!

  • It’s impossible to not be thinking of those suffering war and horrific violence in Ukraine. This was a beautiful roundup of art for Ukraine.

  • I always look forward to the St. Patrick’s Day card my Irish grandma mails me every year! I would love to make this wreath for next year’s festivities

  • Anticipating warmer weather, this badminton set would be the most fun replacement for our worn out set!

  • I finally had an occasion to use my “The Bigger Carry-On” suitcase this month! I love how it coordinates with my larger bag and is so easy to travel with.

  • Pre-ordering Jamie’s book now!

  • A super fun hair clip roundup

  • One of my favorite books I have read in awhile!

  • I also saw that this book from Hallmark featuring my lettering is now in stores!

May the road rise to meet you.

November Around The Web

November is all about family and the kickoff to the holiday season and this year was no exception! We started the month celebrating our friends Sydney and Salvador’s marriage, followed the next weekend with a quick trip to Houston to celebrate Rajab and Shaza, I saw Grace preform in The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, Holiday Mart transition meetings took place, I got my Covid-19 booster and we celebrated Thanksgiving with both our families!

Grateful for you!

June Around The Web

Hello, friends! This June was the perfect start to Summer. We started the month celebrating our four year wedding anniversary at Campground, we celebrated my friend Mary’s birthday, Dale and I went to Boulevardia with our friends Megan and Matt, we spent Father’s Day at the pool, we headed to Chicago for a long weekend, and I had a few great dinners/brunches with friends. Here are a few of my favorite finds this month:

Letters Are Lovely | June Around The Web


April Around The Web

Hello, friends! Currently Dale and I are enjoying a week in California but I couldn’t let that stop me from sharing a few of my favorite finds this month. This month began with a bachelorette party for my friend Steph in Lawrence and was followed by weekends with family, the KC Design Week homes tour, a couple of workouts at Fusion, Game of Thrones (!) and finally an anniversary party for our ten years of dating! I also really loved taking Adobe’s Creative Type Quiz. I’m a producer, “the quintessential “doer” of all the creative types.” The whole description made total sense and I loved being able to take a personality quiz that really focuses just on creatives.

No Rain, No Flowers!