July Around The Web

Hello, friends! I’ve been a bit quiet on the blog this month, July was full of lots of work, time at the lake/pool, a trip to the blueberry patch, and several trips to Family Tree (the best place to get plants in KC!). Here are a few of my favorite finds around the web:

Enjoy these summer days, friends!

April Around The Web

Hello, friends! Currently Dale and I are enjoying a week in California but I couldn’t let that stop me from sharing a few of my favorite finds this month. This month began with a bachelorette party for my friend Steph in Lawrence and was followed by weekends with family, the KC Design Week homes tour, a couple of workouts at Fusion, Game of Thrones (!) and finally an anniversary party for our ten years of dating! I also really loved taking Adobe’s Creative Type Quiz. I’m a producer, “the quintessential “doer” of all the creative types.” The whole description made total sense and I loved being able to take a personality quiz that really focuses just on creatives.

No Rain, No Flowers!