Wedding Gift Wrap Ideas for Think.Make.Share.
Last week Hallmark shared some beautiful wedding gift wrap ideas over on Think.Make.Share. and I was one of the designers who got to spend some time exploring unique ways to wrap gifts! Take a peek at the whole post for lots of ideas! It's hard to top handmade bows and gems.
Diptychs 13
November Around The Web
As November comes to a close, Christmas is just around the corner! This month I fell in love with The House That Lars Built's new wrapping paper line with Alexis Mattox Design. Wrapping gifts is one of my favorite parts of preparing for Christmas, and this year I just might have to expand past the traditional Christmas papers and include some of her designs! Here are a few other gems I discovered this month:
Another great way to prepare for Christmas, make a wreath! Beautiful inspiration from Think.Make.Share.
Such a unique flower crown for Fall
A gift guide to support organizations that need it the most
I am a big fan of real Christmas trees, but this snow white version is beautiful too.
One of my favorite recipes we tried this month
A guide on "How to Keep Going," one of my favorite series from Design Sponge
The perfect Fall gift!
Creative Gift-Wrapping for Think.Make.Share.
I recently had the chance to participate in a gift-wrapping workshop for Hallmark's Think.Make.Share. blog! Take a look at all the ideas here. (And take a peek at the video they made during the workshop below!)