August Around The Web

Friends the end of August is already here! Time is still moving both fast and slow but overall this was a pretty good month: work was busy and I even had a chance to stop by my desk to pick up a few things, Dale spent the month working from home (I wasn’t alone!!) and we tackled lots of house projects! In the past few weeks we stained our deck, repainted our bedroom, and finally invested in a dehumidifier for our basement. I got to spend time at the pool, finally had an outdoor happy hour with some work friends I hadn’t seen in months, and made a trip to the lake. Life is adapting to the circumstances and I’m super grateful for my home & family!

  • Around the web this month, Jessica shared how her daughter inspired this new mirror acrylic lettering and it reminded me of my mirror acrylic sign I made a few years ago! Otto unfortunately broke it but would love to get one of Jessica’s.

  • I know I already mentioned that we painted our bedroom this month, but really we painted it twice… in the same week. I got inspired by these moody color palettes and ended up hating what we choose. Take two worked out though!

  • I’m ordering this print for above our bed! And thinking about trying Framebridge, has anyone used them before?

  • My boss shared this last week, it is helpful if you need some background noise!

  • Hoping to get my hands on some old family photos to test out this website!

  • As Summer comes to a close I might need to test this recipe out soon…

  • Save the #USPS

  • And with September right around the corner I’m most excited for Dale and I to take a quick road trip to Colorado! i can’t wait to spend lots of time outside and have a few days away from home!

See you soon, fall!

May Around The Web

Summer is upon us and May is already coming to a close! This month started out with our California trip and so much has happened since then! This month I’ve been working hard on an internal project on top of some fun lettering assignments, Dale and I have celebrated two weddings (with another this weekend), we spent a weekend at the lake for my Grandma’s birthday, and I’ve been to lots of Holiday Mart meetings and a few Fusion classes. The rest of our summer will be much more laid back and I’m looking forward to time at home and (hopefully) the pool. This month I also loved The Everygirl’s Summer Bucket List. I’m definitely adding the DIY Popsicle to my summer to-do’s!

Letters Are Lovely | May Around The Web

December Around The Web

Hello, friends! December is always a whirlwind and this month I was extra grateful to be able to spend so much time with family and friends. We celebrated my mom’s birthday, I went to a gingerbread decorating party, went to several other holiday parties (including one with Dale’s co-workers, an ornament exchange with college friends and the Jingle Ball), and ended the month with all our traditional Christmas festivities. I also love all the holiday inspiration around the web this time of year. While some of these finds will have to be put on hold until next year they are just as lovely!

  • First up, this adorable A-Frame DIY. Definitely on the list to make for next Christmas!

  • Also, these cookies.

  • One of my favorite Christmas presents I received. Our kitty Otto has been extra ornery lately, only fair to warn visitors.

  • Hoping to make this recipe with the pecans I received this season from my mother-in-law.

  • My all-time favorite pants in a new pattern.

  • Already re-labeled all my spices with this handy label maker!

  • Loved this article, Dale and I watch Love Actually every Christmas Eve Eve when we exchange our gifts.

  • Just what I need to head into the new year.

  • Maybe Miami needs to be on my travel wish list for 2019?

  • This recipe is one of my new favorites, easy and healthy.

Happy Holidays!