Block Printing for #My5Days

Last Thursday I spent the last of #My5Days at a block printing workshop led by Marisol Ortega. She spent the morning teaching us how she uses block printing in her illustration and lettering work, and then we were let loose to create patterns and other lettering or illustration focused pieces. I loved the freedom of creating one small square and seeing the different ways it could be printed to create patterns. In the afternoon I played around with an illustrated letter "A." I would love to incorporate this technique into future lettering pieces! Thanks, Hallmark, for five days this year to make & explore.

Letters Are Lovely | Block Printing for #My5Days
Letters Are Lovely | Block Printing for #My5Days

August Around The Web

Happy Wednesday, friends! This August was pretty work-focused as my team had a big deadline for Mother's Day cards and Dale spent his month on a time-consuming rotation in his last year of medical school. We enjoyed a few lazy weekends at home in St. Louis, and I was lucky to have a visit from my mom last week. Dale and I also traveled to Ohio for our friends' wedding, which was the perfect way to end the month!

This month was full of inspiration around the web – my favorite discovery was the work of Tom Abbiss Smith. I have been really inspired by his abstract collages, and this is one of my favorites. I would love to order one of his prints! Here are a few of my other favorite finds: 

Letters Are Lovely | August Around The Web: Artwork by Tom Abbiss Smith

Enjoy the last few weeks of Summer!